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Bristol Cathedral School

A 21st Century School for boys and girls



Music - play on!

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Music links to

Music Home Page
Curriculum overview
Instrumental provision
Music Scholarships
Rehearsal Times
Music Tour 2003
Music in the 6th Form


The instrumental groups, which mostly meet after school ( 4.00 – 5.00 pm ) are also open to students who do not receive their tuition in school, but the same level of commitment is, of course, expected.
Groups at present are as follows:
First Orchestra
Second Orchestra
Concert Band
Junior String Orchestra
String Orchestra
Training Band
Brass Ensemble
Junior Brass Ensemble
String Quartets
Woodwind Group
Jazz Group
Swing Band

A parents’ guide to the instrumental music provision at
Bristol Cathedral School

Instrumental playing is an important aspect of the wide range of musical opportunities and experiences that exist at Bristol Cathedral School. Because of the finite nature of time and resources, we cannot unfortunately make the provision available to everybody. It is very much an ‘extra’ – an enhancement of the general, curricular provision, but one which we try to make available to as many suitable students as possible.

Application for Lessons

This should be made on the appropriate form, a copy of which is available from the school.

Selection of Students

In beginners, we look for an adequate musical ear, physical suitability to the instrument and some evidence of enthusiasm and commitment. Priority is given to students who have already begun to learn and are progressing well.

Loan of Instruments

The school has a limited number of instruments which can be loaned to students. They are loaned on the understanding that running repairs – the provision of reeds, strings, etc. – are the responsibility of the student as is also the safe keeping of the instrument. When it is clear that the students have settled to the instrument and are making good progress, we hope that they will acquire their own instrument.

Lesson Organisation

Students usually receive one 35 minute lesson each week. Lessons are organised on a withdrawal basis and although this means missing other lessons, instrumental lesson times rotate – usually across a full day – in order to minimise disruption. Students are, of course, required to make up any work they miss. Once a student is accepted for tuition, the instrumental lesson must be the priority except in very exceptional circumstances. Likely absence from a lesson should be notified to Mr. Seymour in advance.

Theory Lessons

When students are ready to progress to the higher practical grades for which a theory qualification is required, tuition for this is provided. This has to take place outside the normal framework of lessons in the working day and is provided in pre-school sessions beginning at 8.30am.

Ensemble Playing

This is an important aspect of performance which develops skills quite different from, but complementary to, solo playing. It is therefore expected that, as soon as we consider students ready to join one of the ensembles, this training becomes part of their musical experience with us. Such involvement then becomes a condition of continuing tuition.

Practice and Progress

Regular practice is absolutely vital, and parents are asked to ensure that half an hour is undertaken each day – little and often is the golden rule here. Each student will be given a record card which will be completed weekly.

Continuation or Cessation of Lessons  

Once accepted for tuition, students will normally continue to have this provision but this will be dependent upon satisfactory effort and progress being achieved and recorded each week. If for any reason a student wishes to be withdrawn from lessons, half a term’s written notice is required.


When students are considered ready, they will be prepared for the graded examinations of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. Entry fees are paid by the student. Older students learning instruments in school will also be helped with the preparation of the practical elements of G.C.S.E. and A-level examinations.


Bristol Cathedral School, College Square, Bristol, BS1 5TS. Tel 0117 929 1872
E-mail Head@BristolCathedral.org.uk